速報APP / 商業 / Expense Tracker PRO

Expense Tracker PRO





版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:PO Box 503 Waterloo, IL 62298

Expense Tracker PRO(圖1)-速報App

ALL proceeds support Guatemalan Mission

This application upgrades your existing Expense Tracker application to the FULL PRO version, which provides unlimited use of ALL features of Expense Tracker. If you haven't already downloaded Expense Tracker, the application will walk you through doing so when it is first opened. It is necessary for both Expense Tracker and Expense Tracker PRO to be installed on your device.

Expense Tracker PRO allows an unlimited number of expenses to be associated with different jobs, while each job is associated with a defined client.

Each expense entry provides the following options:

* Purchases as well as returns are able to be tracked within Expense Tracker.

* Each credit and purchase can be tracked in whatever currency the item was purchased in. With the automatic updates of exchange rates, these purchases are summarized along with other currency purchases to the base currency of the user.

* With more than 20 different payment types within Expense Tracker, you can track and report purchases for each of your different payment types.

* Expense Tracker allows each expense to be associated with a tag for grouping expenses together.

Expense Tracker PRO(圖2)-速報App

* Do you need to track where the purchase was made? The merchant field allows you to keep this information close at hand.

* With the additional notes field, even more details about the expense can be recorded. Maybe you purchased dinner for a number of guests and need to remember their names or possibly you need to add justification for your purchase. Whatever the need, the notes field can help.

* Receipts can be associated with expenses in one of two ways:

** For devices with built in cameras, a picture of the receipt can be taken and added to the expense in only two touches.

** If your receipt is already in an electronic form (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.), you can easily attach and view the receipt within Expense Tracker.

Additional features for Expense Tracker are:

* Manually set or automatically determined job states: Active, Billed, Overdue, and Paid.

* Traveling overseas? Expense Tracker is a fully functional application that does not require network connectivity.

Expense Tracker PRO(圖3)-速報App

* Base currency is allowed to be set to any currency. Once defined, all financial details displayed within Expense Tracker and generated reports are converted to the base currency that is defined.

* Payment management - as customer payments are received, they too can be tracked within Expense Tracker. These payments as well as due dates can be used to auto calculate job statuses.

* Extensive Reporting capabilities such as Job Details, Client Summaries, and Year to date reports are available. Additional Quick Reports easily allowing the generation of select reports within two screen touches.

* Collected data is able to be exported in a CSV format for import to other applications such as Excel and Quick Books.

* Reports and exported data are able to be emailed WITHOUT requiring additional fees.

* View reports directly from your device, sorting the data in a variety of ways.

* Tag Management that allows for creation and deletion of tags and tag groups.

* Extensive users guide that is great for understanding how Expense Tracker works.

Expense Tracker PRO(圖4)-速報App

* Backup/Restore to/from your device, Google Drive, or Dropbox to ensure that your data doesn't get lost.

Expense Tracker is a great application for keeping track of expenses while servicing a client. Most applications charge hidden fees through the use of their servers for report generation; not Expense Tracker. There are no additional charges beyond the purchase price of the PRO application.

If you already have the Expense Tracker application and you would like to add Time Tracking or Mileage Tracking capabilities, see the Add Time Features and Add Mileage Features options from the main menu.

Expense Tracker PRO(圖5)-速報App